Why Akshay Kumar changed his real name Rajiv Bhatia?

Find out why Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar chose this name for films over his real name Rajiv Bhatia – Actors who changed their names.

Akshay Kumar has many nicknames from Akki to more popular Khiladi Kumar. However even Akshay Kumar isn’t his real name which many fans already know as well, but why he changed it and why he chose Akshay?

Why Akshay Kumar changed his real name?

In an Interview the actor told that in one of his very first films titled Aaj, where his role was just for 8 seconds as an martial artist teacher, Kumar Gaurav was the lead actor and his name in the movie was Akshay. Khiladi Kumar liked that name and chose to have it as his screen name.

Watch Akshay Kumar’s rare scene from very first film Aaj.

10 Bollywood actresses nicknames.